"[My attorney's] representation was fantastic and I'm extremely satisfied - fair, legal, and I was well-represented. He did a great job in all communication."
By cordellreviews|2021-08-26T14:53:35+00:00August 25th, 2021||Comments Off on Greg C.
"Will had laser focus and would effortlessly address the key issues. I was especially impressed by the way he deconstructed what the respondent was representing to the court. He has captivated me during this entire process and he has helped me weather the storm. William treated me like I was his brother. William clearly had a sterling upbringing and a strong desire to help people. He is a lawyers lawyer. I am sure that his superiors already know everything that I have said. To include his devotion to God, his wife, and children."
By cordellreviews|2021-08-25T14:03:09+00:00August 25th, 2021||Comments Off on W.G.
"Will is awesome about communication. Will does an amazing job in understanding my situation and communicates it very well to the judge. Cordell has been absolutely top notch amazing."
By cordellreviews|2021-08-25T14:01:06+00:00August 25th, 2021||Comments Off on Anonymous
"The attention to detail of the firm overall especially with the constant requests for feedback is very important and that’s why you guys are the best [my attorney] did an amazing job. My first round during my divorce trial I was severely punished by the judge it seemed. When [my attorney] saw my Final order she asked me why didn’t I have a counsel? and I did that’s how bad it was. I thought I was screwed for life but [my attorney] was relentless and concise determined and all of this during the loss of her father. She is brilliant. I would never get married again, but if I would, I would keep [my attorney] on retainer. Thank all of you and special thanks to [my attorney] for changing my life and actually giving me hope and a normal future rather than living in poverty."
By cordellreviews|2021-11-12T21:34:15+00:00August 25th, 2021||Comments Off on Anonymous
"Tess is amazing and she provides a lot of stability. She does really well on stabilizing the stress. She has kept me very grounded in the process. She has a lot of knowledge about the emotional roller coaster in these situations and it is nice to work with someone with that emotional intelligence."
By cordellreviews|2021-08-25T13:56:33+00:00August 25th, 2021||Comments Off on Teo F.